NNSWA is committed to empower and ensure the social rights of 3D people (Deprived, Dalit, and Disable).
Nepal National Social Welfare Association (NNSWA) established itself in 1990. In 1994, NNSWA registered with the District Administration Office Kanchanpur and affiliated to Social Welfare Council Kathmandu. NNSWA has grown over the years, implementing various integrated community based development programs in Sudhurpaschim province being one of the leading development organizations in Nepal.
Preparation of Comprehensive and detailed GIS maps of MRED working Local Government and digitization PDRA of MRED communities.
1. Background
Nepal National Social Welfare Association (NNSWA) established itself in 1990. In 1994, NNSWA registered with the District Administration Office Kanchanpur and affiliated to Social Welfare Council Kathmandu. NNSWA has grown over the years, implementing various integrated community-based development programs in Sudhurpaschim province being one of the leading development organizations of Sudhurpaschim province. The mission of organization is committed to empower and ensure the social rights of 3D people (Deprived, Dalit, and Disable). NNSWA has been implementing Managing Risk through Economic Development (MRED) Program with the partnership of Mercy Corps to build a disaster ready community by strengthening the capacity of vulnerable communities to minimize the impact on life and livelihood caused by natural hazards or climate-related shocks and stresses by building a sustainable model of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) through multi-stakeholder partnerships with the government, the private sector, and civil society.
Managing Risk through Economic Development (MRED) program across three districts, encompassing 34 communities vulnerable to hazards and poverty in the floodplains of the Doda, Kandra and Mohana watershed in Kailali (Bhajani, Kailari and Ghodaghodi) & Kanchanpur (Belauri, Punarbas, Laljhadi, Suklaphanta and Krishnapur) in the Sudurpaschim Province of Nepal. M-RED's objective is to enhance the resilience of smallholder farming communities, especially those most susceptible to natural hazards and the detrimental impacts of climate change. The program also aims to facilitate quicker and more effective recovery from natural disasters, fostering a better bounce-back mechanism.
2. Context
The M-RED program has been enrolling innovation of different approaches in building community resilience against multi hazard and the ever-present threat of climate change since the last 12 years. Its unique approach tackles these challenges not with a single solution, but with a multifaceted strategy. The Nexus approach uses dual-benefiting crops that not only strengthen livelihoods but also act as natural barriers against disasters like floods and landslides. The Localization approach empowers communities and local organizations, including governments, to take ownership of their resilience journey of at-risk communities. This improves informed decision-making and increases the voices of at-risk or vulnerable communities. The Transformative approach goes beyond preparedness, aiming for a paradigm shift in how communities bounce back from impact of disaster, it also develops transformation in social behaviors, economic practices, and culture of innovation and resilience. Anticipatory action approach leverages technology to predict disaster impacts and build robust decision-support systems, allowing communities to proactively prepare and mitigate risks. Recognizing the importance of inclusivity, the project integrates GESI principles. This ensures diverse participation and empowers all community members to contribute, leading to more efficient and well-governed resilience efforts. Finally, Market System Development approach to strengthen long-term sustainability by connecting producers to private sectors and integrating market interventions. By examining the effectiveness of these approaches, this assessment will aim to not only understand the impact of M-RED, but also unlock valuable insights that can be replicated and scaled, empowering communities around the world to build a more resilient future.
3. Objective
The main objective of this assignment is to design GIS maps and build an integrated municipal geodatabase that incorporates multiple layers of geodata on disaster and hazard events, physical exposure, and socioeconomic vulnerability, aimed at improving the overall understanding of risks.
The specific objectives of the assignment are detailed below.
4. Scope of work
The overall scope of this assignment is to:
1. To work closely with the project team and support in preparation of process documentation on risk assessment.
2. Develop a tool to collect relevant geo-tag data required for DSS system in coordination with MRED and partner NGOs team.
3. Digitization of available hard copy maps, PDRA reports and identify the gaps in existing maps including accumulated risk areas.
4. Collect relevant data layers and topographical information for the project locations from the national mapping agency.
5. Collection, validation and synthesis of hazard, risk, vulnerability information from primary and secondary sources.
6. Prepare and digitize different layers of maps including- administrative, topographic, population distribution, past hazards/ disaster events and losses, overlaid with secondary data on geo-location, demography (settlement units/clusters), aligning with the HHs data collected for BIPD portal etc.
7. Mapping of capacities identified from community consultation including open spaces and their access routes, hospitals, educational institutions, health centers, security stations, petrol pumps, financial institutions, disaster warehouse and other critical services to contact in the events of disaster emergencies not duplicating HHs data collected for BIPD portal etc.
8. Review and validate the digitized maps in close coordination with project team and municipal officials including MRED team.
9. Prepare a comprehensive map atlas book for the wards combining all thematic maps prepared along with other necessary information as per the inputs from respective municipality.
10. Provide tutorial to relevant technical staffs MRED program and DRR focal person of respective Local level on the use of digital tools for map data collection, GIS mapping, geodatabase handling and open-source mapping platforms like OpenStreetMap and updating database on regular basis.
The expert/consulting firm will be called upon to perform a specific list of tasks defined in accordance with any of the above enlisted objectives. The expert/consulting firm will be required to submit in writing the process documentation of the above-mentioned assignment with learnings. Further, consulting firm will work closely with other consulting firms and experts working on other assignments related to project.
5. Expected outputs
Deliver outputs as per the specific objectives defined above, and in the manner prescribed. The key deliverables of this assignment are:
6. Duration Of the Assignment
The overall task should be completed within 2 months. The assignment will supposed to be start from September and complete by the October, 2024. The duration may vary but it should be concluded by November anyway.
7. Expected deliverables and proposed payment schedule
S.N |
Deliverables |
Days of engagement |
Payment schedule |
1. |
Upon the submission of the inception report with a detailed work plan. |
5 days (August 2024) |
20% |
2. |
Upon submission of different layers of maps including- administrative, topographic, population distribution, past hazards/ disaster events and losses, overlaid with secondary data on geo-location and capacities. |
25 days (September 2024) |
30% |
Upon submission of Comprehensive and detailed GIS maps with information on hazards and loss, vulnerable population and at-risk communities; physical (buildings and critical infrastructure) and economic (business and livelihood) environment including accumulated risk areas and extant capacities within the wards and communities and PDRA Digitization |
15 days (September 2024) |
40% |
4. |
Upon submission of map atlas of project locations/project wards with all data, thematic GIS based maps and relevant information. Process documentation for the preparation of digitized maps and final report |
15 days (September 2020) |
10% |
Total |
60 days |
100% |
8. Required Qualifications/ Experiences:
Minimum Qualifications and Experience:
▪ A individual consultant/ registered firm having experiences in GIS and development of digitized vulnerability and capacity assessment with at least of 3 years in Disaster Risk Reduction
▪ Consultant/firm should have adequate human resource in the field of GIS, information technology and development of Comprehensive and high-resolution GIS map.
▪ Proven skills in development of wards/municipal level geodatabase, thematic GIS maps and map atlas.
▪ Adequate knowledge in integrating a wide range of data for spatial analysis and visualization.
▪ Previously working with experience with UN, bi-lateral organizations and I/NGOs and local Government.
▪ Proven experience training the local government staff on digital data collection, open mapping platforms and GIS based geodata handling.
▪ Well-equipped and with excellent technical expertise to ensure smooth and high-quality development.
▪ Proven experience using open street maps and other relevant open-source data portals for data extractions.
▪ Demonstrated skills on preparing quality reports and other knowledge products.
▪ Demonstrates regular and consistent communication quality
▪ Proficiency in written and spoken Nepali and English languages with demonstrated writing skills.
7. Monitoring and Supervision
The consultant will work closely with the Program Manager – MRED, DRR Advisor and MRED team members including Field implementing partners.
8. Required Documents for Submitting the Proposal
Qualified firms can send their application to 31 August 2024 with the Title “Preparation of Comprehensive and detailed GIS maps of MRED working Local Government and digitization PDRA of MRED communities” along with the following documents
● Financial proposal
● Technical Proposal with clear methodology and time frame.
● Company Profile/ CVs
● Relevant Past Experience list of company/firms
● Firm Registration & Renewal certificate (for Firm)
● Copy of VAT Registration Certificate (for Firm)
● Latest Tax clearance certificate (for Firm)
9. Budget:
The firm shall submit a total budget with a detailed breakdown including applicable taxes at the time of proposal submission. The purposed amount should be rational and agreed accordingly.
The payment will be made as per above mentioned scenario (7).
10. Safeguarding & Ethics
Organization is expected to support all efforts toward accountability, specifically to our stakeholders and to international standards guiding international relief and development work, while actively engaging communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects. Team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and respect local laws, customs and Organization's policies, procedures, and values always and in all in-country venues.
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